Thursday 27 April 2017

David Cameron, quoted yesterday in the Guardian:

No it wasn't. It was barely even still poisoning the Conservative Party. No-one wanted a referendum except Nigel Farage, and the crazed band of insane bastards that make up the the right of the Tories. You were practically begged not to do it. It was yet another failed attempt for you to force a battle with your own grass roots support of mean-spirited curtain twitchers and Mail-reading racists that you were always doomed to lose. You should have learned your lesson when you publicly backed gay marriage, and the dark arse of the Tory Party publicly defied you to demonstrate what disgusting old cunts they really are.

You should have seen your own mediocrity then for what it was, or if not then, you should have learned from the Scottish referendum campaign in 2014 what a spectacularly bad idea it was for you to rest the survival of the nation on just how many people could be persuaded to find its continued survival more important than demonstrating to you what a cunt they thought you were. For you to gamble so irresponsibly once was an act of idiotic hubris. Twice is unforgivable.

So no, David Cameron, the Europe issue was not 'poisoning British politics', but thanks to you and you alone, it is now.

How dare you blithely say you regret the personal consequences for yourself? How dare you? What about the personal consequences for the 65 million people of this country who will, to a man, woman and child, live to bitterly regret your premiership? If you had done a proper degree instead of that overprivileged forcing-house of PPE you might have learned that in tragedy, the King is the author of his own downfall through his fatal flaws and hubris, and that it is the country he personifies that is wracked with the consequences.

And so we learn that you thought you were doing a reasonable job as Prime Minister. No-one else does, David Cameron. Literally no-one else does. Not the million families forced into foodbanks since you took power. Not the people whose last remaining doors of social mobility have been slammed shut by your destruction of SureStart. Not the professional classes on whose skill, goodwill and self-sacrifice this country has always relied, who watched you butcher access to justice, the beloved and world-leading NHS, and appoint an unqualified martinet with less suitability than Gradgrind to mutilate the education of the 93% of people of this country who, unlike you, do not educate their children privately. Not the poor, who have got poorer; not the young whose future has been mortgaged on your serial lies about the economy and indifference to their desires for education and a better life. Not our European partners whom you treated with open contempt, nor even the far right parties of Eastern Europe with whom you allied yourself to this country's lasting shame. Not the President of the United States, who saw you for the lightweight and incompetent you so clearly are, so that even before the vote you so disastrously precipitated, Britain's international standing had never been lower, especially in the eyes of its most important allies. Not the Libyan people, whose country you destroyed with your hard-on for military escapades that rapidly deteriorated into catastrophic failure. Not the newspaper Barons who now openly cheerleader fascism in defiant, crazed vengeance for the Leveson Enquiry, which you foolishly, half heartedly bottled at the last. (Everyone knows that if you aim a shot at the Godfather, you had better make sure you don't miss). Not the refugees in the largest refugee crisis since the war whom you and your lickspittles have turned your fat, well-fed backs on without a second thought. Not the environmentalists whose desperation for political leadership to tackle the defining issue of our age you cynically courted and then tossed aside like the plastic refuse choking our oceans. Not the scientists whose work is so important to ensure our higher education system was the envy of the world before profiteering vandalised it. Not the artists, whose works' value you couldn't possibly comprehend, but whose price and financial contribution to this country you could and should have understood, but failed to do so, pulling the plug on the creative industries just when we needed their contribution to the economy. Not the economists who sit open mouthed at your constant lies that Labour ruined the economy even as your government borrowed more in 5 years than Labour in 13. Not the disabled, whose dignity you stole in a callous, cruel, pointless and expensive mass accusation of malingering. Not the prisoners whose votes and books you stole, not the lawyers or doctors whose first ever strikes you provoked. Not the ethnic minorities who now live in fear because of the toxic attitude to immigrants you fostered with your 'Go Home' vans, and who, in the wake of your Brexit vote are enduring a 41% increase in hate crimes. Not the women who have paid the heaviest price for your Government, and whom, when they protested, you dismissed with a haughty 'calm down dear'. Not your own party, who saw you as posh, metropolitan and disconnected from the reality of life in Britain. Not the opposition who warned the country time and time again of your depredations. Not the Scots who almost declared independence for hatred of you, and are likely now to go. Not the librarians, the women's shelters, the increased ranks of street homeless, not the public servants. No-one, David Cameron, agrees you were doing a reasonable job. You are the worst Prime Minister this country has ever had. The one that caused its downfall and collapse. And you aren't even ashamed.

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